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本實驗室的研究主題 Research topics in this lab









Figure 1: The sheep receives both top-down and bottom-up sources of attention control. Thus, we would look at this sheep for our first sight.

本實驗室主要關注的議題是視覺注意力(visual attention)。注意力好像一個看不到的手,在背後影響我們的行為。我們的注意力決定了某個時間點上我們會分析哪些訊息,並影響到我們會如何行動。例如當我們看到圖一時,大部分的人第一時間都會注意到那隻正在低頭的綿羊。我相信只有少數的人會注意到近端的柵欄是哪種木頭或形狀,或是注意到遠端的樹木是哪種樹等。

為什麼大部分的人都會注意到羊呢?首先,羊隻在視覺上是顯著的(salient),他的顏色和形狀都和背景不一樣,在綠油油的草地上很明顯。這種明顯的視覺特徵差異是由物理刺激(physical input)形成的,用電腦影像分析的方式就可以分離出來。這樣的訊息被稱為「由下往上」(bottom-up)、「刺激引發」(stimulus-driven)的注意力的線索。一般情況下,網頁上閃爍的廣告可以吸引人注意,就是基於這樣的訊息線索。



The research topics in our lab are on attention, which decides what we look at and how we react on. In our lab, several lines of researches are devoted into understanding factors affect attention in both healthy and deficit observers.

The first line is about sources of attentional control, which could be controlled by stimuli or by intention. Take Figure 1 as an example. Most of the people should have first glance on the sheep in the middle of this picture, rather than the trees on the horizon or the rod in front. Why do we do so? One possibility is that this sheep is “salient”, that is, its color and shape contrast to its background making it standing out from the background. In other words, the bottom-up, stimulus-driven controls of attention leads us to look at this sheep. Another possibility is that the sheep is at the center of the picture, and we take this animal as the figure, others as the background. Usually we look at the figure rather than background. That is, the top-down, or the concept-driven controls of attention leads us to look at this sheep.

In Figure 1, both bottom-up and top-down controls of attention focus on the same object, the sheep, so we will look at it without conflict. In our lab, we designed situations that these controls are conflict to each other. In this way, we found that top-down controls dominate visual selection in most situations.


除了上述主題之外,本實驗室也探討空間知覺(location perception)與注意力的交互作用。我們所知覺到的物體的位置,事實上受到物體附近的其他特徵所影響,而不是像照相機一樣反映出絕對座標上的物體位置。
例如在右圖中,我們覺得圓圈是一橫排、十字是一橫排,畫面中共有四排;而不會覺得圓圈和十字組成數個直列。這種現象叫做知覺組織(perceptual grouping),是物體的特徵會影響我們對空間的知覺的一個例子。
本實驗室從此處著手,研究一個著名的現象:錯覺組合(illusory conjunction)與空間知覺的關係。錯覺組合是指我們有時候會將物體的特徵都看對了,但是組合錯誤。例如看到「


Figure 2: perceptual grouping sorts items with the same shape and color into the same group; therefore, we perceive four rows rather than five columns in this figure.

Another research question is about how attention affects the perceived location of objects. Figure 2 demonstrates the effect of perceptual grouping: similar items tend to group together and thus we shall perceive four rows rather than five columns. Perceptual grouping could also be controlled by intention, such as items with the same category tend to receive attention together.


在昏暗中看到怪事 - 環境如何影響我們認為看到的事物


我們發現了「我們期望看到的」和「大腦告訴我們我們所看到的」的連結。這個研究告訴我們脈絡(context)的影響是重要的 - 有時甚至可以凌駕於眼睛得到的證據而使我們看到事實上沒有出現的物體。研究指出,很弱的模糊脈絡會比明顯的脈絡更容易使我們填入假想的目標。這發現也許可以解釋為什麼我們會認為在昏暗的光線下,陰影裡好像有什麼東西(例如鬼怪)。

更多資訊請看:[說明一] [說明二]
English Version of visual inference [Link1] [Link2]


日常生活中我們需要不斷地在不同的心智工作中轉換,例如看書的時候接到電話,要將心智從「看書模式」轉換到「講電話模式」,這便是一種認知彈性。研究顯示,處理認知彈性的腦區域在前額葉(prefrontal lobe),受到神經傳導物質多巴胺(dopamine)的調控。因此,我們推論與多巴胺有關病症的人可能有認知轉換的困難,例如帕金森氏症(Parkinson's Disease)。目前本實驗室與本校附設醫院正著手進行這方面的研究。

We also studied on cognitive flexibility on both normal participants and patients. Cognitive flexibility enables us to switch between different tasks frequently in our daily life. For instance, we may receive a phone call while we are reading a book, in which case we need to switch mental state from reading to a conversation. Numerous brain regions, usually in medial and lateral regions of the prefrontal cortex, are reported to be more activated on tasks require cognitive switch. These areas are also known to be modulated by dopamine. Therefore, patients with dopamine dysfunction may also suffer from problems in cognitive flexibility. We started to work on this issue recently.


憂鬱症患者臨床上有時被稱為「假性失智 (pseudo-dementia )」,因為他們會顯示出多項認知能力的問題。本實驗室主要關注在憂鬱症患者的認知控制能力,以及該能力對社交的影響。例如看到「」要念綠,速度會比看到「」念綠來得慢,這就是著名的Stroop效應。我們用這個效應測試憂鬱症患者的認知控制能力。除此之外,本實驗室還探索憂鬱症患者的社會認知功能。在人際相處上,一般人可藉由別人凝視的方向去判讀對方所想要表達的意圖。本實驗室探索憂鬱症患者是否對別人所凝視之物體有認知偏差,而導致人際互動上的困擾。

Finally, we also focus on cognitive functions in patients with depression. Patients with depression are sometimes call “pseudo-dementia”, showing that they suffer from not only emotional disturbance but also cognitive impairments. We especially focus on problems on cognitive control in patients with depression. For instance, reading aloud the color of the ink could be interfered with the meaning of the word, which is the Stroop effect. For instance, naming GREEN on “BLUE” is slower than naming GREEN on “BALL”. Patients with depression usually have larger Stroop effect than matched participants, and we currently investigated the underlying mechanism. In addition to cognitive control, we also ask the question that whether patients with depression have abnormal perception on others’ gaze since they usually withdraw in social interaction.






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地址:40402 台中市北區學士路91號立夫教學大樓3樓

  Phone:(+886)04-2205-3366 ext:8205 (Lab) or ext:8203 (Office)
Address: 3rd FL Li-Fu Educational Building No.91 Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung, Taiwan 40402, R.O.C
Copyright China Medical University, Laboratory of Visual Attention