本網站大致規劃 a General Guide to This Site
[ About Us]
關於我們,內有實驗室成立宗旨、預設觀眾群等等;[News]則是實驗室相關公告;[ People]介紹現在以及過去的實驗室成員、助理、專題生;[ Research]內有研究計畫簡介;除此之外還有過去曾發表過的論文及簡老師的教學;[Psy4U]是心理學相關知識的推廣;有我們自行專寫的科普知識,也有推薦的外部相關網站。[ Join
Us]內有兩大類資訊,其一是給欲報名實驗者查詢有哪些實驗及目前是否還在招收受試者、招收方式以及優先通知名單,另外則是給有意加入實驗室的朋友招收條件、招收管道、經費來源等相關資訊。 [Contact
Us]列出本實驗室的聯絡方式、地點、回饋單及常見問答集。 [About
Us] tells you about the purpose of this lab and our target audience. [News]
is where we make announcements. [People]
introduces current lab members as well as serves as the collective memory of
past lab members, assistants, project students, and alumni. [Research]
gives an overview of as well as detailed introduction to the lines of research
we do. Publications and Dr. Sarina Hui-lin, Chien's teaching may also be found.
[Psy4U] can be understood as "Perceptual and Developmental Psychology Made
Easy," a platform for us to share with your ideas pertaining to our field worth
sharing. It also contains websites and resources we recommend. [Join
Us] provides information for those who would like to participate in our
studies, as participants or their parents, and for those who would like to join
the research group as researchers, assistants, or interns. The information
naturally includes, for example, what experiments there are, and whether they
are still recruiting participants, the sources of funding, what talents we need,
and what channels there are to join us (such as summer internship programs.) [Contact
Us] lists our contact information, location, and has a feedback form, and
Frequently Asked Questions section (FAQs.)
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Depending on who you are, the following are the
parts most relevant to you:
家長 Parents of Infant/Child participants
報名實驗: [ Join Us] 查詢報名方式、查詢有什麼實驗可以報名 [ Contact Us/
People] 電話或網路報名
追蹤兒童及嬰兒實驗結果:[News]通知最新結果 [Research]實驗計畫編排
電話詢問、預約、改時間等等、提供建議: [Contact Us]
想多多了解心理學:[Psy4U]有我們分享及翻譯的心理學知識 或網站分享
我們在哪裡:[Contact Us - 我們在哪]
[Join Us] to participate in our studies, and [Contact Us] to sign up/ arrange
time/ change time/ and give suggestions for our studies. The contact information
may also be found in [People] (See the Coordinator section.) Click on [Research]
to learn about our ongoing and past projects and publications
(mostly exclusively in English). [Psy4U] could be understood as "Psychology Made
Easy," which aims to introduce, with a language of invitation, ideas pertinent
to psychology worth spreading, and external links of websites we
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有興趣加入實驗室的朋友 Prospective Students and Scholars
瞭解本實驗室研究:[ Research]提供目前實驗室大致正在進行的計畫,點入有興趣的計畫後按「了解更多」
瞭解本實驗室過去發表論文及主持人資歷:[Research]本實驗室過去論文 [People]內有本實驗主持人簡老師的C.V.可供下載
瞭解本實驗室人員及工作員境:[People]列出目前(及過去)的實驗室夥伴 或在[Contact Us]直接詢問我們 [Album]內有實驗室活動照片
[News/ Join Us]有不定期徵才資訊
本校學生 [Join Us] 查詢報名方式、查詢有什麼實驗可以報名 [Contact Us/
People] 電話或網路報名
預約參觀實驗室: [Contact Us]或[People]內有主持人及專任助理的E-mail
我們在哪裡:[Contact Us - 我們在哪]
[Research] is the best section for you to understand the ongoing and past
projects of our lab. You are highly encouraged to click on Learn More in the
projects that most interest you. [Research], on the other hand, lists our past
publications. But the lab is not just about research; find out in [People] and
[Album] what the lab dynamics is like and to see if you would enjoy the vibe. If
you are interested in doing research with us, please do not hesitate to directly
[Contact Us] or Send E-mails using the information in [People]. Before you join
the lab, you might want to have participated as subject via [Join Us] and keep
abreast with recruitment information on [Join
Us / News]. Certainly, visit [Psy4U] for
"Psychology Made Easy," which aims to introduce, with a language of invitation,
ideas pertinent to psychology worth spreading and external links of websites we recommend.
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對於心理學有興趣者 I'm interested in Psychology
[Psy4U] could be understood as "Psychology Made Easy," which aims to
introduce, with a language of invitation, ideas pertinent to psychology worth
spreading and the external links of websites we recommend. [Research]
is the best section for you to understand the ongoing and past projects of our
lab. You are highly encouraged to click on Learn More in the projects that most
interest you. [Research] also lists our past publications (mostly
exclusively in English,) which may also be found in Dr. Sarina Hui-lin, Chien's
curriculum vitae in [People.]
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