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本實驗室期許在中國醫藥大學奠定基礎與臨床價值兼具的知覺發展研究群,我們一方面與附醫新生兒科合作, 以行為的偏好注視法來探討嬰兒視覺認知功能的早期發展歷程;另一方面與遺傳實驗室合作探討研究視覺認知的基因基礎。 近期更有以兒童及成人為主的他種族效應、自閉症與生物性運動以及政黨傾向猜測實驗。歡迎各位大臺中地區的父母們來參與我們的研究,為更美好的下一代貢獻一份心力。

The Infant Perceptual Development Laboratory at China Medical University (CMU), Taichung, Taiwan, is dedicated to a improving the welfare of children in Taiwan. With the joint effort of us, the Department of Neonatology at the CMU Hospital, we looked at the early development of the perceptual capacity of typically developing Taiwanese infants using the Preferential Looking Paradigm. We have also been able to delve into the genetic basis that underlies such development, collaboratively with the Genetics Lab at CMU. The recent foci have been on the Other-race Effect (ORE) of face processing among children and adults, the relation between Autistic Spectrum Syndrome (ASD) and the perception of biological motion, and adults' ability to identify political membership based on gray-scale photos. We thank all the future participants for helping us leap forward to building a brighter future for our next generation.


本網站旨在推廣心理學相關知識以及提供嬰幼兒受試者的家長、或對於加入研究有興趣的本國或外國朋友清楚的資訊,因此本站歡迎所有對於普通、知覺、發展心理學及神經科學有興趣的朋友、家長。我們會不定期撰寫或翻譯科普文章,甚至對於純粹想要學習英文(中文)的朋友 。 此外,受試者也能在本網站找到自己曾經參與的實驗的後續結果報告

This site serves the dual purposes of providing sufficient information for the parents of our infant/children participants and prospective students, and of promoting general, perceptual, developmental psychology or neuroscience. Our articles, which could be original or introduced from others' studies, will come in both Traditional Chinese (Taiwanese Mandarin) and English, for those who might be interested in learning languages also.


本網站大致規劃 a General Guide to This Site


Depending on who you are, the following are the parts most relevant to you:

家長 Parents of Infant/Child participants

有興趣加入實驗室的朋友 Prospective Students and Scholars

對於心理學有興趣者 I'm interested in Psychology